Welcome to your new career at App State! Whether you have just completed graduate school or you're an academic veteran who's simply new to our institution, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success is here to support you.
Although our offerings change from semester to semester, we always plan to offer the following to our early-career faculty:
- New Faculty Orientation (2 days in August before the semester begins, plus additional follow-up sessions during the Fall)
- Early Career with Intention: Setting the Stage for a Sustainable Journey AppLC (A semester-long faculty learning community for early career professors. This group meets monthly in the spring to envision and plan for sustainable success and support one another.)
- Early Career Book Clubs in Fall and Spring (Rotating titles and facilitators; past selections have included Deep Work, Radical Hope, Think Again, and Essentialism.)
- Winter and May Writing Retreats (combination of virtual and face-to-face deliveries, typically 9 am-3 pm for four days after grades are due each semester)
- CETLSS Workshops and Institutes
- Social Gatherings
Tracy W. Smith serves as the Director of Career Support and Mentoring (including Early Career Support), and she emails all new and/or early-career faculty periodically to share our career support offerings, so watch for those emails. If you think you might be missing some of those emails, or if you have any questions at all that pertain to early career success, please email Tracy at smithtw@appstate.edu. Visit our workshops and programs page for a list of upcoming events.
A accessible, text-based version of the content displayed above can be found here.