Welcome to CETLSS!

Updates Related to Emergency Closure

If you have an immediate need for teaching support, please submit a connection request below.  Our team will respond as we are able, but like much of the University community, many of us have limited connectivity and are taking things day by day.

All grants and other submissions with a due date of September 30th will be extended. Once we know more about the next steps beyond the Condition 3 Closure, we will be able to reassess.

Also, we are currently gathering resources to support our eventual return to teaching.  If you have something you'd like to share or offer, please submit it using the Connection Request link below.  Check back here soon for those resources.

Last, please note that a Condition 3 Closure means that teaching and learning should not occur during this time.  Rescheduling due dates to a time on or before October 16th or asking students to continue working on course assignments is not in the spirit of the closure.  We recognize that this disruption is anxiety-provoking for instructors and will necessitate full syllabus overhauls for most courses—CETLSS will be available to assist you with this task once the closure is lifted.  In the meantime, if you have the bandwidth to reach out to your students to provide support, please do so, but please refrain from making academic demands at this time. 

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success or CETLSS (pronounced see_tulls) is the university's comprehensive center dedicated to growing excellence in teaching and learning, leadership, and supporting faculty professional development and student success. Our center provides workshops, courses, learning communities, and resources covering various topics to support faculty at all career stages. 

Need teaching or career support?

Submit a Connection Request here!

Interested in workshops and other programs?

Fall Programming Schedule available here!