In the Teaching and Student Success Lab (TASSL), we provide instructors with a way to collect and analyze data about their own teaching—not necessarily for research purposes—but for their own teaching growth.
If a faculty member wants to measure student change in motivation, belongingness, or mastery of disciplinary concepts across the semester, TASSL can help. Or maybe a professor lacks the time, impartiality, or assessment skills to interpret their end-of-semester evaluations—we can help with that, too! We've also helped whole programs and departments to make evidence-based decisions about curriculum, programs of study, advising, and beyond. Basically anything that relates to assessing and supporting student success at the course or program level is where TASSL comes into play. TASSL is coordinated by Dr. Lindsay Masland, Executive Director of CETLSS, and it is staffed by undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in teaching and/or assessment who want to support quality teaching at App State.
If you are an instructor who'd like to enlist the assessment support of TASSL, please make a request via the CETLSS Support Request form.
If you are a student who would like to work with us in TASSL, please see this application, which explains the commitment and expectations for research assistants in the lab.