College Instructional Design Specialists

CETLSS Instructional Design Specialists

Our center aspires to lead campus conversations about transformative teaching and its relationship to quality student experiences, learning, and success, regardless of modality. We aim to support you as you design highly effective learning experiences and inclusive, student-centered learning environments that are the hallmarks of teaching excellence at Appalachian State. Our center also supports strategic campus initiatives and is dedicated to strengthening and advancing our collective work on diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

With all of that in mind, meet our team of highly-trained Instructional Design Specialists. On any given day, you'll find them working with you and your colleagues, often in the one-on-one consults that are our bread and butter, in various modalities on a broad range of topics. They are the professionals who bridge the gap between your teaching strategies and the technologies you use to create your students' best course experiences. They also lead your favorite workshops, create resources you can use asynchronously (watch for them in your support videos!), and sometimes even teach the same courses you do to keep in touch with the latest trends and the student experience. 

Are you interested in setting up a consultation? Please complete the CETLSS Connection Request, and your dedicated Instructional Design Specialist will contact you!

  • Derek Eggers: College of Fine and Applied Arts, University College, Graduate School, English, Philosophy & Religion, Rural Resilience & Innovation, Walker College of Business & Beaver College of Health Sciences 
  • Bryan Doppel: College of Education, Hayes School of Music, Belk Library and Information Commons, History, Anthropology, Government & Justice Studies
  • If you belong to any of the departments listed, please be informed that we are currently in the process of recruitment, and your department liaison will be introduced shortly. Meanwhile, please fill out a CETLSS Connection Request, and a member of our team will reach out to you soon!
    • Mathematical Sciences, Biology, Chemistry & Fermentation Sciences, Geological & Environmental Sciences, Geography & Planning, Physics & Astronomy, Computer Sciences, Languages, Literatures & Cultures, Interdisciplinary Studies, Sociology and Psychology