Video Support

The Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning for Student Success consultants have experience using the following video/lecture/desktop capture and sharing tools in instructional settings:


Kaltura offers a market-leading media platform, media player, and wide array of media solutions, leveraging media to teach, learn, communicate, collaborate, and entertain. Their range of education products include virtual classrooms, personal capture and lecture capture, webinars and live events, learning on the go, and student outreach. It is integrated with AsULearn and is also available via MediaSpace.


Screencast-o-matic is a simple and intuitive video recording and editing web-based tool. The Pro Recorder service is now available to our campus community. 


Every user at Appalachian has a YouTube channel associated with their Mountaineer Apps account. This service is used to share video content created in other applications, and provides a YouTube link that may be placed in AsULearn or other environments.

Please contact one of our instructional technologists if you need any help!