Based on a common good assessment, Collaborative Network Service is constructing a method to assist in asynchronous lecture capturing for AsULearn course delivery. By utilizing key components of the current infrastructure, we can capture content with higher quality than end-user applications, such as Screencast-o Matic. It's our hope this service will help free up CAE IT consultants to better assist you with other learning management issues.
Please Note: By no means are we attempting to replace end-user freeware, such as Screencast-o Matic.
For more details about end-user lecture capturing, please contact a CAE IT consultant:
What will this service look like?
Based on the needs of campus, the idea is to adapt limited space in the CNS infrastructure to help assist in creating professional online course instruction – introductions, course content, weekly discussion, and overall delivery of material for your online environment.
So, for starters, how will CAE’s collaborative network service solution differ from One Button Studio or other instructional capture tools? Well, since this will be manipulating our infrastruture to perform a new task we like to think it will be a great solution and help bridge the gap between needed resources and capturing solutions for online AsULearn content at Appalachian. In any event, it's hopefully a great starting point for a much larger conversation.
We also know in Comparison to One Button Studio:
- No need for a flash drive with limited storage space.
- No schedule conflicts with another occupant running over their time (that can make for an awkward situation).
- No need to contact a help desk in the event of an issue - technical support is on site to oversee IT issues.
- No need to push a button.
- Basically, you fill out the request form and come sit down…
What to expect:
- Please be sure to have your content rehearsed - the system will be set to capture your content in its entirety.
- Please remember that this is not a production studio - we will not stop to restart.
- You will receive a Google Folder with your mp4 file to edit, or to upload directly to your AsULearn YouTube account. For more information on how to do this, please contact a CAE IT consultant:
The layout of your finished file will be like this:
If you choose Person + Content
If you choose Person (introduction/ announcement)
And if you choose just to show content, the imagine will be of just your content.
These files will be delivered to you using a customized Google Drive Folder as a mp4 for you to download. Files may take until the next business day to be added to your Google Drive Folder.
A few Q&A:
How do I reserve a room?
What do I have to do when I arrive?
- Just show up with your content rehearsed and ready… besides that, nothing. A fifteen-minute window will be given to allow us time to make sure your computer is properly configured. Please keep in mind that when you make your content, please test it using screen resolution 1024x768 and adjust accordantly (font size, etc).
Can this service edit the files to remove mistakes?
- We hate to say "no," but the answer is no. Please find an alternate resource to edit. Sorry!
- Absolutely! Your files are private; however, they will be stored in our library as backup and within the shared Google Drive Folder. At any time, if you wish for us to purge the files from the library we will happily do so.
As we move forward with creating the framework of this service, please be patient while we work out the hiccups.
Looking forward to working with you!