Resources for Inclusive Leadership
These resources have been compiled to support administrators and campus leaders, at various levels of leadership, in creating strategies and making decisions equitably and inclusively.
Department Chair Inclusive Excellence Self-Assessment
This assessment is from Chaun & Evans “The Department Chair as Transformative Diversity Leader: Building Inclusive Learning Environments in Higher Education.” Click here for AppState Library access to this ebook.
Leading through Conflict: Academic Affairs Leader Learning Community
This learning community is designed for deans, associate deas, chairs, assistant chairs and other leaders in academic affairs who want to improve their skills in navigating conflict. This LC is led by Dr. PJ Nelsen, certified NVC facilitator and Inclusive Excellence Team Affiliate.
Deloitte Model of Inclusive Leadership: The Six Signature Traits of an Inclusive Leader
Dr. Damon Williams Diversity Leadership Resources:
SoundAffect Podcast from Appalachian State University
Dr. Williams discusses how to move the needle on campus diversity and inclusion. This podcast was recorded for campus leaders during his fall 2018 campus residency visit.
White Higher Education Leaders on the Complexities of Whiteness and Anti-Racist Leadership. Journal Committed to Social Change on Race and Ethnicity, 7(1). 2021.
Abstract: In the midst of a global pandemic, racialized violence, and civil unrest, higher education leaders are faced with a difficult reality as their constituents call for meaningful engagement and leadership. While many higher education institutions claim to value racial equity and inclusion and have identified them as hallmarks in their mission statements or strategic plans, a culture of whiteness and everyday white supremacy continue to plague higher education institutions. Given the limited research that examines White higher education leaders’ perspectives on race, racism and anti-racist leadership efforts, this critical phenomenological study explores how ten White higher education leaders navigate racial equity efforts at their institutions and the role their racial identity plays in the process. Specifically, this study examines the complexities and intricacies of whiteness in higher education and offers insight into the development of anti-racist policies, practices, and tools for White higher education leaders to begin thinking about their work in relation to their whiteness.
Champions for Change Leadership Shadow